Take a Breath

Stop right where you are, right now.  Are you stressed about your child’s school progress?  Take a breath.  Are you agonizing over the future?  Take a breath.  Are you wondering how you’re going to make it through homework time yet again?  Take a breath.  Are you worrying about whether your child will pass the next class or make the next milestone?  Take a breath.

It’s easy to say, hard to do, and oh, so important to accomplish.  Don’t fall into the trap of fussing and worrying your life away over things that you cannot control.  Your precious child will be grown before you know it, so make sure you are savoring the time you have together.  Don’t let worry and stress over academic performance or anything else spoil your relationship and steal your optimism.

You are doing all of the things you can possibly be doing to be supportive and to help your child.  You’re doing the best you can with the resources available.  And it WILL be good enough, I promise you.  As long as you are doing your best, it truly will be.

You’ll learn new strategies along the way and you’ll incorporate them, then perhaps you’ll make a leap ahead in progress, and that’s wonderful.  But until you find that magical new idea, keep doing what you’ve been doing.  Keep on trying your best.

There’s no better gift you can give your child than your best.


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